Tsunami Science and Safety Videos
Know the potential warning signs of an incoming tsunami, learn about the science of these dangerous waves to help you and your community stay safe!
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Know the potential warning signs of an incoming tsunami, learn about the science of these dangerous waves to help you and your community stay safe!
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Not too long ago, scientists studying the ocean made a fascinating discovery that has helped us better understand our planet Earth. Down in the deep and dark waters, they found hot springs on the ocean floor releasing warm and mineral-rich fluids – these are called hydrothermal vents.
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Scientists believe that 80 percent of the volcanic eruptions on Earth take place in the ocean. Most of these volcanoes are thousands of feet deep, and difficult to find. But in May of 2009, scientists captured the deepest ocean eruption ever found.
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We love the ocean. And when you love something, you want to protect it. Unfortunately, the ocean is being filled with trash. And people all over the world who care about the health of the ocean are doing something about it. They’re talking trash and taking action. You probably already recycle, and that’s a great start. So now, let’s talk about how you can prevent some of the surprising and sneaky ways that trash flows into our rivers and the ocean. Come learn about marine debris and be part of the action.